Hydrogen Gas Treatment Improves Postoperative Delirium and Cognitive Dysfunction in Elderly Noncardiac Patients

Hua Lin, Jian Du, Keliang Xie, Yan Cui, Yonghao Yu, Zhigang Tian

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Purpose: Postoperative delirium is a state of acute brain dysfunction characterized by fluctuating mental status that affects millions of patients each year. We used prophylactic inhalation of hydrogen gas in elderly patients undergoing elective surgery to compare their occurrence of postoperative delirium with that of controls.

Methods: A total of 184 patients aged ≥ 65 years were enrolled and randomized into either a control group or a hydrogen inhalation group. The quality of sleep was assessed 1 day before and 1, 3, and 7 days after surgery at 8 A.M. The Confusion Assessment Method (CAM) was used as a screening tool for delirium and assessed the patients’ state of consciousness 1−7 days after surgery.

Results: Postoperative delirium occurred in 17 (24%) of 70 patients without hydrogen inhalation and in 10 (12%) of 83 patients after hydrogen inhalation. The incidence of delirium was decreased in the hydrogen group. No significant differences were found between length of stay in hospital after surgery and sleep quality at 1, 3, and 7 days postoperatively between the two groups. The numerical rating scale (NRS) pain scores were higher in the hydrogen group (4.08 ± 1.77) than the control group (3.54 ± 1.77) on day 1 (p < 0.05); however, the mean difference between the two groups was small (1 to 1.6). There were no significant differences on day 3 and 7. The postoperative C-reactive protein level was significantly lower in the hydrogen group than the control group. Conclusions: This study suggests that hydrogen inhalation can prevent postoperative delirium in elderly noncardiac patients by reducing the inflammatory response.

Publish Year 2022
Country China
Rank Positive
Journal Journal of Personalized Medicine
Primary Topic Brain
Secondary TopicSurgery/Transplantation
Model Human
Tertiary TopicPostoperative Delirium
Vehicle Gas
pH N/A
Application Inhalation