Antioxidant Activity of Hydrogen Water Mask Pack Composed of Gel-Type Emulsion and Hydrogen Generation Powder

Hye-Jin Kwon, Kyung-Won Park, Sang-Beom Han

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In this study, hydrogen generation powder samples were prepared using zinc carbonate as a precursor, at a temperature varying from 400 to 700 °C in H2 atmosphere, and were characterized in terms of antioxidant activity. The concentration of dissolved hydrogen obtained by the powder samples was measured using a dissolved hydrogen meter as a function of time. In addition, the antioxidant activity of the samples was evaluated based on the Oyaizu's method, removal rate of ·OH radicals, and ferric reducing antioxidant power. Finally, the hydrogen mask pack was fabricated using the hydrogen generation powder sample and gel-type emulsion. In the clinical test on the mask pack, the effect of the mask on skin aging was characterized and compared to that of a commercial sample. The skin densities of the participants in the experimental group and the control group increased by 18.41% and 9.93% after 4 weeks, respectively. The improved skin density of the participants who used the hydrogen mask pack in the experimental group, might be attributed to the recovery effect of the hydrogen molecule in the mask pack on the denatured thick skin layer.

Publish Year 2020
Country South Korea
Rank Positive
Journal International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Primary Topic Skin
Secondary TopicAging
Model Human
Tertiary TopicOxidative Stress
Vehicle Gas (Sustained Release)
pH N/A
Application Pack