The condition of the hairline of Chinchilla lanigera after the introduction of a hydrogen antioxidant into the diet

Alexey Ivanov, Dmitry Petrov, Elena Panina

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DOI: 10.1051/bioconf/20213606026 DOI is the universal ID for this study.

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It was found that the inclusion of water enriched with molecular hydrogen into the diet of a long-tailed chinchilla changed the fur quality indicators. In animals of the experimental group, the guard and downy hairs were thinner than in the control group. The length of downy hair in the experimental group was higher, the number of hairs in the follicle in the chinchillas of the experimental group was greater than in the control group, besides, the hair was stronger and softer. The animals of the experimental group showed less tendency to gnaw out fur. When considering the data on the chemical composition, it was found that in the dry matter of the hair of the animals of the experimental group, there were less organic substances, and there were more minerals in comparison with the animals of the control group.

Publish Year 2021
Country Russia
Rank Positive
Journal BIO Web of Conferences
Primary Topic Skin
Secondary TopicCosmetic Skin Issues
Model Chinchilla
Tertiary TopicPoor Hair Quality
Vehicle Water (Electrolysis)
pH Neutral
Application Ingestion