Renoprotective and neuroprotective effects of enteric hydrogen generation from Si-based agent

Hikaru Kobayashi, Makoto Kondo, Norio Nonomura, Ryoichi Imamura, Shoichi Shimada, Yoshihisa Koyama, Yuki Kobayashi

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DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-62755-9 DOI is the universal ID for this study.

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We have developed Si-based agent which can generate a large amount of hydrogen. Si-based agent continues generating hydrogen for more than 24 h by the reaction with water under conditions similar to those in bowels, i.e., pH8.3 and 36 °C, and generates ~400 mL hydrogen. To investigate beneficial effects for diseases associated with oxidative stress, Si-based agent is administered to remnant kidney rats and Parkinson’s disease mice. Rats are fed with control or Si-based agent-containing diet for 8 weeks. Si-based agent is found to greatly suppress the development of renal failure and the parameters of oxidative stress. Treatment with Si-based agent in a mouse model of hemi-Parkinson’s disease induced by 6-hydroxydopamine attenuated degeneration of dopaminergic neurons and prevented impairment of motor balance and coordination. These findings indicate that the Si-based agent shows renoprotective and neuroprotective effects presumably via suppression of oxidative stress by generation of hydrogen.

Publish Year 2020
Country Japan
Rank Positive
Journal Nature Scientific Reports
Primary Topic Brain
Secondary TopicParkinson's Disease
Model Rat
Tertiary TopicNovel Therapy
Vehicle Gas (Sustained Release)
pH N/A
Application Ingestion