Molecular Hydrogen Reduces the Degree of Endothelial Alteration under Conditions of Chronic Heart Failure

A.V. Deryugina, D.A. Danilova

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DOI: 10.1007/s10517-023-05880-5 DOI is the universal ID for this study.

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We studied the effect of molecular hydrogen H2 on the content of circulating endothelial cells and the macrohistological structure of the heart in rats with simulated chronic heart failure. Inhalation with 2% H2 was carried out repeatedly (40 min per day for 5 consecutive days) or once (40 min). Molecular hydrogen inhalations in both regimens caused a decrease in the number of circulating endothelial cells; the most pronounced effect was observed after repeated inhalations on day 14 after chronic heart failure modeling. The decrease in the count of circulating endothelial cells under the action of H2 was accompanied by recovery of the myocardial structure and a decrease in its weight. Molecular hydrogen in chronic heart failure limited the damage to endothelial cells and improved the structure of rat myocardium, which allows us to consider H2 inhalations as the means reducing the progression of chronic heart failure.

Publish Year 2023
Country Russia
Rank Positive
Journal Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine
Primary Topic Heart
Secondary TopicChronic Heart Failure
Model Human
Tertiary TopicEndothelial Dysfunction
Vehicle Gas
pH N/A
Application Inhalation