Estimation of the hydrogen concentration in rat tissue using an airtight tube following the administration of hydrogen via various routes

Bunpei Sato, Chi Liu, Masayuki Fujino, Ryosuke Kurokawa, Shinichi Hirano, Xiao-Kang Li

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Hydrogen exerts beneficial effects in disease animal models of ischemia-reperfusion injury as well as inflammatory and neurological disease. Additionally, molecular hydrogen is useful for various novel medical and therapeutic applications in the clinical setting. In the present study, the hydrogen concentration in rat blood and tissue was estimated. Wistar rats were orally administered hydrogen super-rich water (HSRW), intraperitoneal and intravenous administration of hydrogen super-rich saline (HSRS), and inhalation of hydrogen gas. A new method for determining the hydrogen concentration was then applied using high-quality sensor gas chromatography, after which the specimen was prepared via tissue homogenization in airtight tubes. This method allowed for the sensitive and stable determination of the hydrogen concentration. The hydrogen concentration reached a peak at 5 minutes after oral and intraperitoneal administration, compared to 1 minute after intravenous administration. Following inhalation of hydrogen gas, the hydrogen concentration was found to be significantly increased at 30 minutes and maintained the same level thereafter. These results demonstrate that accurately determining the hydrogen concentration in rat blood and organ tissue is very useful and important for the application of various novel medical and therapeutic therapies using molecular hydrogen.

Publish Year 2015
Country Japan
Rank Neutral
Journal Scientific Reports
Primary Topic Whole Body
Secondary TopicHydrogen Biology
Model Rat
Tertiary TopicHydrogen Safety
Vehicle Water (Electrolysis)
pH Neutral
Application Ingestion