Anaerobic Performance and Acid-Base Balance in Basketball Players after the Consumption of Highly Alkaline Water

Adam Maszczyk, Adam Zajac, Anna Kurylas, Chycki Jakub, Tomasz Zajac

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DOI: 10.15436/2377-0619.18.1754 DOI is the universal ID for this study.

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Many researchers have unequivocally demonstrated that water of higher pH has a positive effect on the human body. In terms of undertaken research, the adjustment of acid-base balance during anaerobic effort, a decrease in the concentration of free radicals as well as the improvement of connective tissue condition is of primary importance. The aim of this study was to evaluate an influence of high alkaline water consumption on anaerobic performance and acid-base balance in professional basketball players. There was evaluating changes in parameters of blood and urine in laboratory tests (pH, pCO2, pO2, HCO3 act, HCO3 std, BE (ecf), BE(B), O2 std, and ctCO2). The group of fourteen adults male underwent in two experimental trials, before and after six weeks hydration tested water. Statistical analysis of blood tests showed that after ingestion of alkaline water there was a significant increase of blood pH at rest and after anaerobic exercise. The same results were obtained in urine tests, respectively 1.30 in rest and 0.93 after physical examination. The results of the specific anaerobic endurance test revealed a significant difference in performance between the tests performed after hydrating with highly alkaline water in comparison to table water. The average improvement of results equaled 0.71s. (p = 0.03). In conclusion the athletes hydrated with alkaline water showed a positive impact on acid-base balance with a significant increase of blood and urine pH. The daily intake of 2.5 - 3.0 l of highly alkalized water delay in muscular acidosis during anaerobic exercise, as well as prevention of dehydration, and faster recovery.

Publish Year 2018
Country Poland
Rank Positive
Journal International Journal of Food and Nutritional Science
Primary Topic Whole Body
Secondary TopicExcercise
Model Human
Tertiary TopicPerformance Enhancement
Vehicle Water, Commercial (Humniska)
pH Alkaline
Application Ingestion